Digital Marketer turned Machine Learning Engineer

I'm a machine learning engineer, data scientist, and former digital marketing director. I create analyses and products using data. I aim to make education more accessible and the benefits of machine learning more equitable.

Recent Work

Sparse vs. Dense Data

Comparison of Supervised Learning Algorithms: k-NN, SVM, Decision Trees, Boosted Trees, and Neural Networks

Reinforcement Learning in the Stock Market

Back-testing learned strategies vs. manual strategies in the stock market.

Selected Courses

  • Machine Learning, Machine Learning For Trading, Artificial Intelligence: Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Data Structures, OO, Computer Architecture: Portland State University
  • Algorithms: UCSC Extension


  • Python, SQL, C++, Java
  • pytorch, sklearn, pandas, numpy
  • pytest, Selenium, Beautiful Soup
  • AWS (Sagemaker, Lambda)
  • Jupyter Notebooks, Google colab
  • git, Linux